Film Friday – Blacksmithing and Forging

I am a novice smith and that is being generous. I do like to forge though and it is awesome when I get a little time to make things for myself. This short film details a couple of the different type of hold fasts (metal work and word work) that I recently made at the Pratt Center for Fine Arts forge in Seattle. If you live in Seattle, have a single maker bone in your body, and haven’t checked them out – do so immediately and sign up for a class or two.


  1. Nice job! That first set are some mighty long-reach holdfasts. They all look great. Are you going to treat them with a rust preventative? The music for the joining bench part was good, too.

    1. Hi Jeff. Thanks! I waxed them after heat treat. I made various lengths, depending of what all I am trying to hold down and where. On the anvil, not a big deal, but the welding table is more complicated… I had 9/16″-5/8″ holes magna-drilled in the surface when I had the 1/2″ steel plate cut, but I SHOULD have put in more than 8, hence the need for a few with a long reach. Thanks for the music comment. I use mostly free stuff from the creator YouTube page, but the guy who did that piece has some awesome stuff.

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