My kitchen knife-rack is cooler than yours!

We were given some really nice kitchen knives for our wedding – REALLY NICE.  I take pride in the fact that we never have dull kitchen cutlery and when my chef father-in-law comes for visits, he always remarks on the usability of our chef’s and prep knives.  Those were just Target specials that were leftovers and cast-offs from my parents and friends.  I was fine with them banging around in drawers and odd knife blocks.  Well, the new Globals, were above a shabby knife drawer and required a case that befitted there quality and beauty.

As part of the kitchen remodel, I am adding little touches that make cooking in our kitchen as easy and pleasurable as possible.  I decided to add a custom wall-mounted knife holder that would both protect the generous gift and make them immediately ready to use. 

Knives need a good hard wood to protect them (hardwood retain less mosture) and the harder the wood, the longer it will last through the years of little nicks and jabs as knives are withdrawn and put away.  I had some reclaimed maple flooring sections that came out of a local school gym that were just the right width and were bone-dry.  I went out to the table saw and cut 10 kerfs from ½” to 2 ½”.  I then glued and clamped two pieces together and let them sit for a day.  After the glue was fully cured, I cut off the original flooring grooves, drilled mounting holes, sanded it with 220 grit, and mounted it in the kitchen.  Dowels were installed over the screws in the mounting holes to make the installation seamless.  I taped off the wall and the contact strip where the knives would enter/exit and painted the rack and painted the rest a gloss white to match the eventual color of the cabinets.  One added benefit is that our Globals show very nicely in their new rack!  I am working on replacing the 9” crap chef’s knife with a Global sashimi blade and a 9″ bread knife.  Both the whe wife and father-in-law approve.


  1. “… the new Globals, were above a shabby knife drawer and required a case that befitted there quality and beauty.”

    Indeed they are not shabby. Top notch quality with remarkable high tech alloy material. Excellent brands. 🙂

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