Kindle Lust

I have a book addiction and right now I am jonsin’ for a binary fix: I have a mad case of Kindle lust:  one eye is starting to twitch, my mouth is dry, I am all itchy, and I can think of little else but e-ink.  I need a Kindle…..  NEED!  I complained about the size and Amazon made it thinner.  I reasoned that it sucked because I couldn’t arrange content and they released new software to allow organization.  I bitched about the high price and they dropped it, if only to mock me!  1500 books, my daily paper and Wikipedia access… Fvck it hurts!  I am starting to shake.


I am trying to be good, trying so hard.  My wife said, “No, we have other things to spend money on right now” (she is right) and she knows that I will spend hours every night for weeks downloading from Project Gutenberg and will buy a crap-ton of new stuff online – she KNOWS…  If I just go out and buy the thing, I will get it taken away like I am 3 years old and she will start using it smugly to ‘teach me a lesson.’   That and the sleeping outside alone (dog snuggles with her…) for the months it would take for her to calm down from my wanton disregard of our financial responsibilities would be too high a cost to pay if figured into the overall purchase price.

I am holding out for now, but God as my witness, the minute I can go to the library and check out an e-book with a Kindle, I am gonna go online and buy me some dirty e-reader relief, even if I have to prostitute myself out to a sweet old lady at the retirement home up the street for the cash!



  1. DAMN IT!!! Stupid Nook! I was at B&N today and overheard the sales guy in charge of their nooks say”…and I just downloaded this one from the King County Library…” Son of a… I called the Seattle Public Reference Desk and BAM! Their system is compatible with the nook and not the Kindle. I quick look at the online e-book catalog and 1/2 of the books that I either have out now or are on hold are available through the e-book collection and the damn thing also accesses Wikipedia – fvck… It looks like I will be zipping up the polyester leisure suit, splashing on some Old Spice, grabbing the Perry Como records, and heading down the street to shake my Money-Maker at the retirement home.

    1. B&N is up for sale, The Kindle3 is out, and I don’t know what to do… Crap!!! The new Kindle is AWESOME, except that I can’t check out books with it. The Nook is cool, but will it be supported, will it die in the murky waters of re-organization, when if ever will a thinner version come out with better screen contrast?????

  2. I have the “new” nook wifi. It is great. I read, take notes, hook it to the Mac and download my various musings. the refresh rate could be faster and I should have held out for the new Nook2, but this hand-held library will do for the next decade or two. It have really made room in my life for other shit instead of less shit. no more paperbacks littered everywhere, but I now have room for every Alpinist ever published.

  3. I had the Sony, before a coworker put a wet plant on it. Crack, pop, sizzle. She paid me for it, but I haven’t decided what to replace it with. I, like you am still waiting for B&N to see what the Nook2 will have.

    Am I the only one that has an issue the “kindle” being the name for the Amazon device? You KINDLE a fire to make it big – assholes put books in fires… Digital books are hailed as the end of paper books. Does anyone else make that connection?

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