Birthday List – 2018

My birthday is almost here. The big 45.  If I am super lucky and healthy, this is the MAXIMUM point in life that I can be before I am Middle Aged.  Seriously, if I live to be 90, I am just a few days from being 1/2 way there.

Like most years, I will be taking the day off from work, the next day as well and enjoying doing stuff that makes me happy! A haircut, brunch, an afternoon movie, steak dinner with my wife, cookies, etc… Below is a short birthday wish list in no specific order.

The #1 want for my 45th year on this green and blue rock: For the Adults in the room to take the reins of the American Political System

Things that would also be nice:
Heifer International: Bees (I really like to give the gift of bees) Goats, Chickens, Llama, or the whole Ark…
A little cash to Doctors Without Borders/MSF
Go give blood and send me a post card
Filson Overalls
A bottle of good American Whiskey
An Amazon Gift Card
Book: Campaign Furniture by Chris Schwartz
New Propane Forge
Rounding hammer
1000 followers on YouTube
A gift card to Hardwick’s Hardware in Seattle
Genetic genealogy testing from 23&Me
Starbucks Gift Card
A card from each of my kids
New brown DocMartin Wingtipe – UK 8.5:  these or these or these
The 1-day or 2-day Rally School Course at Dirt Fish
Mavic 2 Zoom Drone
Amber 2ga. Plugs (bonus points if they have insect inclusions!!)
Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey
A nice bottle of Porto