CNN has just projected Obama to win election! Four more years of time to make things happen, strengthen the economy, fund health care, work on trade, and get the shiz-nit done. I am happier than rich preacher in a cat-house!

Update 11-11-12: It is official, the votes in Florida have now been counted and it was huge in electoral votes and a majority or popular votes as well.

2012 Election

For the record, I am voting for Jay Inslee to become the new WA Governor, mostly because his opponent smells of douchebaggery, I am all for Prop. 74 (legalizing same-sex marriage) because who you want to marry is your own business, I am voting for Initiative 502 (legalizing cannabis) – what you do in your on home, on you own free time is your own damn business. I am voting against the local initiative for Charter Schools as it will divert funds from Seattle’s currently underfunded public schools. I wish our mayor was up for election as well… I voted for him 2 years ago because of his pro-bike and heavy green campaign promises, but I am not impressed or amused with his performance or decisions while holding the office.

My most important vote this year will be to re-elect President Barack Obama. Do I wish more had been done to crank up the economy? Yes. Do I wish that Obama-care had a universal coverage option? Yes! Do I wish all our troops were out of harm’s way? Yes. All that said, I think that he did a great job with the tools he had to work with: GM is alive, I have a job, my house is still mine, the economy is coming back, my kids still have a college fund, and the Navy chummed for sharks with and Bin Laden’s corpse. I feel that we as a country need to stay the course and let the man do all he can do. Also, his opponent will not take a real stance or commit to much of anything, openly courts the Tea-Baggers, was a terrible MA governor, a reputed prick in high-school, and reeks turbo-douchebaggery! My $0.02 worth…

For some comic relief:


Washington United

I am a firm believer that consenting adults should be free to love whomever they choose.  As long as no one is being hurt or abused, what you do in the privacy of your own home and on your own time is your own damn business.  I do not believe that government should be in charge of regulating love, companionship, or marriage.  I was proud to call Washington home when the state marriage equality bill was passed.

Since politics and our current national and state political partisanship is a sewer, there are some groups that are determined to repeal what I consider progress and have turned in enough signatures to put the right to marriage up for a general vote in November.  Trying to take away a RIGHT….  OK, if that is how the game is played, then my sweet wife and I  are very much behind the  approval of state Referendum 74 , putting marriage equality up to a populous vote on the November ballot so that marriage equality becomes non-debatable fact in Washington.

Washington United passed out small green stretchy nylon rings during Seattle Pride for people to wear to show their support for marriage equality.  Stamps-With-Foot and I have been wearing them over our wedding rings to “voice” our support and will continue to do so until the election in November.    I would urge you to do something as well.  If you are already a supporter, then drop by the WU website and give them a couple of bucks, volunteer, or buy a sticker or two for your car/bike/laptop/cubical/lunchbox/etc…