Becoming a Grandfather…

I am a 41 year old Grandfather.  I am still letting that fact/reality sink in…

My daughter, LOL, had a baby girl just after Thanksgiving and my wife and I flew from Toulouse to Arkansas to be with her for the birth.  We had scheduled the trip for a week before and a week after her due date.  Our timing was impeccable as she had the baby the day after we arrived.  Being there for the birth, at the hospital was amazing and scary!  LOL did great and mother and baby are doing super.  The baby is putting on weight, is a good eater and sleeper, isn’t fussy, and makes the sweetest faces.  WE are all very much in love with her.  Her mother is reveling in motherhood and seems happier than I have seen her, maybe ever.

Granddaddy 2

LOL and Baby

3 generations

granddaddy 3

gilf 1

Granddaddy 1