A Small Personal Photo Project

It is well documented and known amongst family and friends that I love taking pictures with real film. My newest camera was made in 1983. Using film, especially black & white stock, makes me happy, but life gets in the way sometimes and I have not been using and enjoying my film cameras – it has been mostly digital work for the last couple of years.

So, I have challenged myself to take at least 1 roll of film a week, intentional shots, multiple cameras, film only, color and B&W, for the entirety of 2025. A re-acquisition of skill, love, focus, and reflection. A challenge that I have laid down for myself. At the end of the year, I want to take one shot from each roll and my favorite images, document the camera, settings, subject, and location for each and have a book made through Shutterfly or Mixbook. Just for me.

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