Kindle, I Heart You!

I have made the leap into the arms of technology once again.  After months of internal debate, fondling display models and endless questions & comments, I bought a Kindle 3 this weekend.

My wife gave me the cash and “permission” to buy my e-reader crack of choice for my birthday.  We were in Portland this weekend and since Oregon has no state sales tax, I figured it was the right time to buy.  We did go to two different stores to find one in stock and were greatly assisted by the magic of the iPhone and its ability to look up store locations and phone numbers on the fly.  I opted for the plan-Jane cover and the wifi-only model: I don’t NEED a Cole Haan calf skin leather case, polished with the tears of a busty virgin for $100 and am never joinsin’ for a book so hard that I need 3G coverage.  After loading a couple free books, I bought a Steampunk novel and downloaded a newspaper to take a shake down run.  Results: Matt likey!! It is small, light, simple, and a pleasure to read.

I spent Sunday morning sitting at a friend’s table reading the International Times Herald, drinking coffee, and popping doughnut holes into my mouth.  It made for a really nice rainy Pacific Northwest morning inside.  I will include a gallery below of my e-reader lovely next to the Moleskine medium square-ruled notebook that I use for work

Kindle and medium squared graph paper work Moleskine

Picture 2 of 4


  1. Husband, I heart you! And just so you know, what it said on your birthday wish list was “permission to buy a Kindle or Nook” so that’s what I gave you. The cash was a bonus! Glad you liked it! xoxo

  2. Herbert recently wrote:
    Hey Matt, I noticed you picked up a Kindle. What made you go with it over the Nook?

    My Answer:

    That is a long conversation, but I will shorten it some….

    It was really hard and I haven’t played with the new Nook. I went with the kindle because of size, battery life and because I wanted a reader only. I didn’t want to check mail or surf the inter-webs with it. The kindle also has more and better mags and papers available and I get a couple of weekly mags and my morning paper on it and it is a GREAT way to read the paper.

    I even found a way to check out library books with it. The nook reads more formats natively, but there is a third party free program that makes the kindle read just as many. You can’t password the nook either. The new nook is color and thin and has cool bells and whistles, but it is 280 bucks.

    Sent from my cell: there will be typos…

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