I ordered a custom German License plate (Kraftfahrzeug-Kennzeichen or Nummernschilder) for the front of our van. It is a 1987 Syncro so I wanted a classic car (kraftfahrtechnisches Kulturgut) plate, which have a red border and letters/numbers. It is not 100% authentic as the plate number does not start with “07” or end with an “H”, but close enough for an American. I did include the HH city designation because we used to live in Hamburg and the city is part of our soul (Hamburg meine Perle!)
We have a RMW front bumper with a 2“ receiver and I decided to make a front plate holder that would deter theft AND be stout enough to plow through snow/bushes/bison, etc… Drew it up in AutoCAD, and sent it to SendCutSend to laser cut the bits out of 0.188” steel. I Designed it with weld-through tabs to beef up the structure and will weld it up with a 0.125” border all the way around it and paint it as soon as the parts arrive. I have never been accused of designing to the bare minimum of necessity…