2012 Election

For the record, I am voting for Jay Inslee to become the new WA Governor, mostly because his opponent smells of douchebaggery, I am all for Prop. 74 (legalizing same-sex marriage) because who you want to marry is your own business, I am voting for Initiative 502 (legalizing cannabis) – what you do in your on home, on you own free time is your own damn business. I am voting against the local initiative for Charter Schools as it will divert funds from Seattle’s currently underfunded public schools. I wish our mayor was up for election as well… I voted for him 2 years ago because of his pro-bike and heavy green campaign promises, but I am not impressed or amused with his performance or decisions while holding the office.

My most important vote this year will be to re-elect President Barack Obama. Do I wish more had been done to crank up the economy? Yes. Do I wish that Obama-care had a universal coverage option? Yes! Do I wish all our troops were out of harm’s way? Yes. All that said, I think that he did a great job with the tools he had to work with: GM is alive, I have a job, my house is still mine, the economy is coming back, my kids still have a college fund, and the Navy chummed for sharks with and Bin Laden’s corpse. I feel that we as a country need to stay the course and let the man do all he can do. Also, his opponent will not take a real stance or commit to much of anything, openly courts the Tea-Baggers, was a terrible MA governor, a reputed prick in high-school, and reeks turbo-douchebaggery! My $0.02 worth…

For some comic relief:
