Tools on the Cheap

Yard sales are the SHIT!! This weekend we happened upon a garage sale and an estate sale in the middle of the afternoon. I hit the mother-load of man-nesting paraphernalia – yard tools! I loaded our Subaru down with a 2-Stroke weed-eater with attachments, hoe, two edgers, 3 shovels (two round end and one square, tree saw, hack saw, joiner fence for 1942 Homecraft machine, pruning shears, garden trowel, pitch fork, electric chainsaw, rake, yard-broom rake, two water hoses, sprinkler head, edging shears, two tablesaw miter fences, a bench top vise, a grinder base, an old-school milk crate, and the board game RISK with all the pieces still in plastic. I paid a grand total of… drum roll… $43. The weed eater alone is worth $200 – I made out like a bandit! There are a couple more things that we need/want concerning yard tools (splitting maul, pick, maddox, posthole digger, 1928 Model-A coupe, etc…) and you can bet that I will be hitting the garage sales and pushing the blue-hairs out of my way in my quest for bargains.

Water hose, a chain saw and RISK – the makings of a fine par-ty!